Do You Know Top Universities In Guangzhou?

1. Study in China for international students in Guangzhou

Guangzhou, also known as Yangcheng and Huacheng, is the capital of Guangdong Province and a national central city. Many international students who study in China choose to study in Guangzhou. Guangzhou is an international metropolis, an international business center, an international comprehensive transportation hub, and the first batch of coastal open cities. It is a core city in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the Pan-Pearl River Delta Economic Zone, and a hub city in the Belt and Road Initiative.

As the fourth largest city in the country in terms of economic aggregates, Guangzhou has a very strong economy, that’s why international students choose to study in Guangzhou. What is the level of higher education in Guangzhou?  What are the top universities in Guangzhou? JTRH has made a list of top universities in Guangzhou. Let’s look through it together.

2. What are the top universities in Guangzhou?

The top universities in Guangzhou are:

1. Sun Yat-sen University

Sun Yat-sen University was founded in 1924 by Mr Sun Yat-sen. In the past 100 years since its establishment, it has made outstanding contributions to national development and social construction and is one of the top universities in Guangzhou. The overall admission score of the school is high, and the scores of dominant subject areas are high. If the scores can be achieved, it is a good choice.

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2. South China University of Technology

This university can be traced back to the first Class A industrial school of Guangdong Province established in 1918, and it is also one of the top universities in Guangzhou. The school is a comprehensive research university with expertise in engineering, integration of science and engineering, and coordinated development of multiple disciplines.

3. Jinan University China

Founded in 1906, Jinan University’s predecessor was the Jinan Academy founded by the Qing government in Nanjing. It moved to Shanghai and became the only overseas Chinese university at that time. It was directly under the leadership of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee and the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council. The Overseas Chinese Higher Education Institution established is known as “China’s No. 1 Overseas Chinese School”.

4. South China Normal University

South China Normal University has outstanding strengths in pedagogy, psychology, and other disciplines.

5. Guangzhou Medical University

Guangzhou Medical University is one of the top universities in Guangzhou. The school has 1 national key discipline: Internal Medicine (Respiratory Diseases), and 1 key discipline of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine. The school has developed rapidly in recent years, has invested heavily in education, and has broad prospects.

In addition to the above five universities, Southern Medical University and Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine are both very good medical universities, with advantages in key disciplines, reputation, and development prospects.