Foreign Students In Tsinghua University

1. Introduction to Tsinghua University in Beijing

Tsinghua University in Beijing, referred to as THU, is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. Tsinghua University in Beijing ranks among the national “Double First-Class” Category A, “985 Project”, and “211 Project”. Tsinghua University in Beijing was selected for the “2011 Project”, “Mount Everest Project”, “Strong Foundation Project”, and “111 Project”. It is a member of the C9 League, PINE League, the Association of University Presidents of China, the Asian Universities Alliance, the Association of Pacific Rim Universities, Tsinghua-Cambridge-MIT Low-Carbon University Alliance, which is also a base for High-Level Talent Training and Scientific and Technological Research in China, known as the “cradle of red engineers.”

2. Tsinghua University in Beijing cancels the written test of the entrance examination for international students

Recently, Tsinghua University in Beijing has adjusted the plan for the entrance examination for undergraduate international students. Due to the pandemic, it has decided to cancel the written examination of the 2020 international student entrance examination and conduct remote interviews for candidates who meet the primary selection criteria. After passing the interview, they can be admitted. What everyone envies is that apart from the loose admission requirements, these international students also have generous Beijing University scholarships. There are not only Beijing University scholarships, such as Peking University scholarships for international students also government scholarships and full scholarships. You can also get a monthly living allowance of 2,500 yuan. In addition, you will also enjoy free medical insurance. Of course, it is not just Tsinghua University in Beijing and Peking University who canceled the written examination. Renmin University of China and Shanghai Jiao Tong University have also cancelled the entrance examinations for international students in 2020 and changed them to interviews.

3. International students at Tsinghua University in Beijing

Since accepting the first batch of foreign students in 1950, Tsinghua University in Beijing has enrolled tens of thousands of international students; each year there are nearly a thousand international exchange students and professional advanced students who visit and exchange, and the student population on campus is becoming more and more diversified. The campus culture is becoming more rich, tolerant, and colorful. An international student blogger who once studied at Tsinghua University in Beijing said that once you overcome the initial cultural shock, China is a great country for exchange students. The people are very friendly and welcoming; the cost of living is very reasonable, and cultural differences provide an unparalleled experience.