Frank From Malaysia Got An Offer From Southwestern University Of Finance And Economics!

Frank from Malaysia is a local Chinese with a well-earned family. The family has its own business in China, so the family hopes that he can come to China to study and take over the family’s industry in China in the future. His undergraduate major is economics. According to his needs and his undergraduate grades, we matched him with MBA majors at several universities. In the end, he got an offer from Southwestern University of Finance and Economics. SWUFE is a university directly under the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. Southwestern University of Finance and Economics is one of the national “World First-class Discipline Construction Universities”, co-built by the Ministry of Education and Sichuan Province, and one of the national “211 Project” and “985 Project Superior Discipline Innovation Platform”.He was very happy after he got the offer. Southwestern University of Finance and Economics is located in Chengdu, he also has a special preference for Chengdu because Chengdu is the paradise for foodies!

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