Good News | 2020 University Admission Offer Is Coming!

The year 2020 is destined to be an extraordinary year.

It was the year when the world faced the most serious viral challenge in human history in the last hundred years. In the face of this disease, we have braved difficulties, responded positively, and supported each other. So far, China, Russia, Canada, and other countries have developed vaccines, I believe that soon humans will be able to win this epidemic defense war! Despite the obstacles of the epidemic, students from all over the world still cannot stop coming to China to study. Since the resumption of work in February 2020, JTRH has received more than 3,000 international students from more than 20 countries around the world to apply for study in China. We have also received support from domestic universities, such as online office, online publicity, online review of student materials, online answer questions for students, and online submission of applications. At the same time, we also worked hard to optimize the internal information system during the epidemic, improve the accumulation of university resources, and maintain normal smooth communication with universities to ensure timely and accurate information. No matter what major a student wants to study, what city they want to go to, or whether they want to study for a Bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, or Ph.D., the JTRH internal information system can match students with an accurate college application plan that fits students’ needs within three minutes. Up to now, the application for 2020 has been closed, and most universities have announced the application results and teaching arrangements. JTRH has helped hundreds of students get offers from prospective colleges and universities, and the staff of JTRH has helped students enroll in online classes at various universities. Jun counted by JTRH apply for foreign students in 2020 after the OFFER, the mood is very excited, apply for the busy season more than one hundred days and nights, many overseas students and JTRH staff and teachers in colleges and universities cooperation, fruitful, the expected outcomes, JTRH professional service, and attitude are also harvested from students and parents with high praise! Now come and share their joy.

 This is the list of some of the universities our students received offers from:

  1. Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
  2. Harbin Institute of Technology
  3. Wuhan University
  4. Jinan University
  5. Beijing Institute of Technology
  6. University Of Science & Technology Beijing
  7. Beijing International Studies University
  8. China University of Petroleum
  9. Capital Normal University
  10. Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
  11. Zhejiang Sci-Tech University
  12. Zhejiang Gongshang University
  13. Shandong University of Technology
  14. Ningbo University
  15. Communication University of Zhejiang
  16. Zhejiang Gongshang University
  17. Shandong University of Science and Technology
  18. Nanjing Tech University
  19. Sichuan Agricultural University
  20. Anhui University of Finance and Economics
  21. Northeast Agricultural University
  22. Guangxi Medical University
  23. Yunnan Minzu University
  24. Yunnan Normal University
  25. Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology
  26. Some university offers are shown below:
Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Harbin Institute of Technology
Wuhan University
Beijing Institute of Technology
China University of Petroleum
Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
Zhejiang Sci-Tech University
Shandong University of Technology
Zhejiang Gongshang University
Hainan Normal University
Anhui University of Finance and Economics
Ningbo University
Communication University of Zhejiang
Nanjing Tech University
Northeast Agricultural University
Guangxi Medical University
Yunnan Minzu University
Yunnan Normal University
Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology
Yunnan Chinese Language and Culture College
Thanks for the students’ trust in us in recent years. I also wish the lovely students to study hard and graduate this year, even if they are taught online. Please contact our customer service staff if you are in trouble.
 Next, Jun needs to make preparations in advance for students who apply for 2021. Some universities have opened the entrance application channel for 2021. Students who need to apply for 2021 can contact us now, we can offer a 20% discount for those who apply before November.