International Culture Carnival Of Harbin Institute Of Technology

1. Introduction of Harbin Institute of Technology

Harbin Institute of Technology is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. It ranks among the first batch of “Class A First-class Universities and Disciplines of the World”, “985 Project”, “211 Project”, “C9 League”, “Pacific Rim University Alliance”, “Chinese University Presidents Association”, “Excellent University Alliance”, “Global Energy Internet University Alliance”, “Sino-Russian Engineering University Alliance”, “China-Spain University Alliance”, “China Artificial Intelligence Education Association”, founding member of the “National Higher Military Institute Course Ideological and Political Alliance”.

Besides, Harbin Institute of Technology was selected for the “Everest Plan”, “Strong Basic Plan”, “2011 Plan”, “111 Plan”, “Excellent Engineer Education and Training Plan”, “National University Student Innovative Experimental Plan”, “Nationally Constructed High-level University Public Postgraduate Project”, “New Engineering Research and Practice Project”, “Hosting Institutions of China government scholarship for international students“, “National Deepening Innovative and Entrepreneurial Education Reform Demonstration Universities”. It is among the first batch of universities with postgraduate schools and qualifications for setting enrolment requirements for graduate students, and the first batch of independent review units for degree authorization.

As of September 2020, Harbin Institute of Technology has three campuses in Harbin, Weihai, and Shenzhen; the headquarters has a campus area of 5,12.35 acres and a building area of 2.0269 million square meters; there are 22 colleges and 89 undergraduate majors; there are 3,011 full-time teachers and 46,138 students in the school.

2. National characteristic majors of Harbin Institute of Technology

Harbin Institute of Technology National Characteristic Majors: Radio and TV Directing (Animation), Electronic Information Science and Technology, Information Security, Communication Engineering, Software Engineering (with 3 majors), Electrical Engineering and Automation, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Engineering Management, Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Measurement and Control Technology and Instruments, Optical Information Science and Technology, Welding Technology and Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, Building Environment and Equipment Engineering, Road Bridge and River Crossing Engineering, Aircraft Manufacturing Engineering, Detection Guidance and Control Technology.

3. International Culture Carnival of Harbin Institute of Technology

To increase the influence and popularity of international education at Harbin Institute of Technology, promote the characteristics and style of international student education at Harbin Institute of Technology, showcase the local culture and artistic charm of its international students, promote the exchange and integration of Chinese and foreign students, and promote its construction of international campus. The International Education Institute holds an International Cultural Carnival at the beginning of June every year.

In the pedestrian street of Harbin Institute of Technology, figures dressed in costumes from all over the world sing and dance; cuisines from all over the world are unique and fragrant; a dazzling array of folk crafts tells about exotic cultures; and the colorful activities convey the common aspirations of all parts of the world.