Please Note That “Garbage Sorting” Is In Progress

To further enhance the campus students’ understanding of the knowledge, they sort the garbage, in recent years, various universities (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Southwest Medical University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing University of Information Science, and technology, Sichuan University, Shandong university of science and technology for the light chemical industry, Shanghai normal university, Fudan University, Shandong normal university, Ningbo University, Beijing university of technology, north China university of water conservancy and hydropower, capital normal university, Beijing University, and other colleges and universities), garbage classification propaganda activities actively corresponding to the nation’s call.

Although garbage sorting has been going on for years, have you learned how to sort your garbage?

Kitchen waste refers to food debris, food processing wastes, and waste food fats and fats produced in food processing, food service, unit feeding, and other activities, including leftovers, vegetable roots, and leaves, bone viscera, peel, etc. As well as vegetables and fruits garbage, rotten meat, meat bone, aquatic products, livestock, and poultry offal produced in farmers’ markets and wholesale markets.

Other waste mainly refers to household garbage which is not kitchen waste, recyclables, and harmful waste, as well as other household garbage which are difficult to classify. These include toilet paper, napkins, contaminated paper, dust, ceramic fragments, etc.

The recyclable matter is produced in daily life or the process of daily services. They have lost all or part of their original use value. However, after recycling, they can be reprocessed into raw materials for production, sorted out, or reused.

Harmful waste refers to the toxic and harmful substances in household garbage, mainly including waste batteries (nickel-cadmium batteries, mercuric oxide batteries, lead-acid batteries, etc.), waste fluorescent tubes (daylight lamps, energy-saving lamps, etc.), waste thermometer, sphygmomanometer, waste drugs and their packages, waste paint, solvents and their packing materials, waste insecticide, disinfectant and their packages, waste film and waste paper and so on.