The Top Four Universities In China For Computer Science

1. How do students studying in China choose universities?

Nowadays, in the information age, information resources are becoming more abundant, and computer majors are also attracting more attention. It has become a popular major for examinations and is favored by many candidates. Many international students studying in China also want to choose schools with strong computer majors.

From the perspective of future development trends, computer-related professional positions will only increase. Therefore, students who study in China choose the right major. Whether they return to their own country or stay in China, employment will not be too difficult. So how should students who laihua study in China choose a school? What are the top universities for computer science in China?

The Top Four Universities In China For Computer Science

2. What are the top universities for computer science in China?

1. Zhejiang University is located in Hangzhou, the “paradise on earth”.

It is not only directly governed by the Ministry of Education and the Central Government, but also one of the top universities in China, and it is also one of the first batches of national key construction universities of the “211 Project”, “985 Project” and “double first class”. It has 36 professional colleges: The School of Humanities, the School of Economics, the School of Public Administration, etc., and the School of Computer and Technology is well-known in the whole country, so it is one of the top universities in China for computer science.

2. Peking University, a century-old university and one of the top universities in the country, has cultivated outstanding talents.

It is a university whose strength is second only to Tsinghua University. It provides a Peking University scholarship. Peking University’s liberal arts majors are very famous.  Computer major is not ranked first in the country, but it is also one of the top universities in China for computer science.

3. Tsinghua University is also directly under the Ministry of Education of China.

It is also a 985, 211 project and a “double first-class” university. Speaking of comprehensive strength, Tsinghua University is well-deserved No. 1, especially the strength of the computer major is also ranked top in China. It is one of the top universities in China and has cultivated talents in many fields of science and technology.

4. National University of Defense Technology

The top computer science university is the National University of Defense Technology. It is the best military academy in our country and is directly under the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China. It is a university of the 211 Project, 985 Project, double first class, and the Army’s “2110 Project”. As a top military academy in China, most of the majors in the university are linked to advanced science and technology. Of course, the computer major is also the strongest major and deserves to be the top one.