What Are the Hot Majors in Zhejiang Gongshang University?

Introduction to Zhejiang Gongshang University

Zhejiang Gongshang University (Zhejiang Gongshang University) is a key university jointly established by the Chinese Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Commerce and the People’s Government of Zhejiang Province, and a key construction university in Zhejiang Province. Zhejiang Gongshang University is located in Hangzhou, the capital city of Zhejiang Province with beautiful scenery.

For more than a hundred years, the university has been adhering to the business school tradition, focusing on economics and management subjects, and coordinated development of law, engineering and other disciplines. The level of school running has been continuously improved, and it has become a first-class financial university with distinctive business characteristics and a first-class national level. Since Zhejiang Province launched the undergraduate teaching performance assessment in 2008, the school has consistently ranked in the top 5, and in 2016 ranked second in the province.

What Are the Hot Majors in Zhejiang Gongshang University

So what are the hot majors in zhejiang gongshang university? Below, I will give a ranking of the best majors of Zhejiang Gongshang University:

1. Major in Finance

A total of 408 people think that Zhejiang Gongshang University’s finance major is good, and the recommended study index is 4.8 [out of 5.0]. The following is a detailed introduction to the finance major:

Training objectives:

This major trains professionals who have theoretical knowledge and business skills in finance and can engage in related work in banking, securities, investment, insurance and other economic management departments and enterprises.

Employment direction:

Judging from the employment situation in recent years, the employment of finance majors is mainly for the banking and financial system.

In addition to commercial banks, joint-stock commercial banks, and domestic branches of foreign banks, there are several major destinations:

Central (People’s) Bank, Banking Regulatory Commission, Securities Regulatory Commission, Insurance Regulatory Commission;

Financial companies with high risks such as securities companies (including fund management companies), trust investment companies, and financial holding groups;

The big four accounting firms, the big four asset management companies, financial leasing, guarantee companies, etc., insurance companies, insurance brokerage companies;

Social Security Fund Management Center or Social Security Bureau;

Listing (to be listed) stock company securities department, finance department, securities affairs representative, etc.;

Government administrative agencies of the national civil servants sequence, such as finance, auditing, and customs departments.

2. Accounting major

A total of 291 people think that Zhejiang Gongshang University‘s accounting major is good, and the recommended study index is 4.8 [out of 5.0]. The following is a detailed introduction to the accounting major:

Professional presentation:

Accounting is the language of business. You can understand the overall operating status of a company through the company’s books and accounting knowledge. Generally, accounting graduates will take the CPA qualification exam during their studies or after graduation. The CPA in the United States and ACCA graduation in the United Kingdom are currently the world’s largest international associations of certified public accountants. Many graduates choose to take the qualifications of these two associations.

Accounting graduates can be competent for the cashier, accounting, tax declaration, internal audit, financial management, material management, teller, account manager, etc. of various industrial enterprises, commodity circulation enterprises, service industries, financial and insurance institutions and other departments or units. ;

Can also be engaged in accounting firms, bookkeeping companies, accounting assistants of financial companies, bookkeeping agents, accounting consulting services and other positions.

What Are the Hot Majors in Zhejiang Gongshang University

3. Major in Financial Management

A total of 230 people think that Zhejiang Gongshang University’s financial management major is good, and the recommended study index is 4.7 [out of 5.0]. The following is a detailed introduction to the financial management profession:

Training objectives:

This major trains senior professionals in business administration with knowledge and abilities in management, economics, law and financial management, finance, etc., who can work in finance, financial management, teaching, and scientific research in industry and commerce, financial enterprises, institutions and government departments .

Employment direction:

After graduating from the financial management major, most of them are engaged in accounting professions, which generally require a lot of practical work to be used.

4. Statistics major

A total of 218 people think that Zhejiang Gongshang University’s statistics major is good, and the recommended study index is 4.7 [out of 5.0]. The following is a detailed introduction to the statistics major:

Professional presentation:

Statistics is mainly divided into general statistics and economic statistics. General statistics is mainly to study the basic theories and methods of statistics; economic statistics is a science that provides scientific investigation, collection of economic information, description and analysis of economic data, and prediction and supervision of social and economic operation.

Employment direction:

The main employment flow of statistics majors is divided into three parts: government departments (statistics bureau, etc.), financial departments such as banks, insurance companies, securities companies, market research companies, consulting companies, market research departments of various companies, and the quality of industrial enterprises.

5. Economics major

A total of 204 people think that Zhejiang Gongshang University’s economics major is good, and the recommended study index is 4.5 [out of 5.0]. The following is a detailed introduction to the economics major:

Professional presentation:

Economics is an independent subject in modern times, and it is a science about the laws of economic development. Since the foundation of Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations was laid in 1776, modern economics has experienced more than 200 years of development. There have been many professional directions such as macroeconomics, microeconomics, and political economics, and they have been applied to various vertical fields to guide the accumulation and creation of human wealth.

Employment direction:

Economics graduates have a very wide range of employment, suitable for government agencies, financial institutions, colleges and universities, large and medium-sized enterprises, engaged in policy analysis, teaching research, economic management, marketing, etc., and also suitable for independent entrepreneurship. If you have the relevant professional qualification certification, the employment level is relatively high. In addition, the economics major of prestigious schools has a higher rate of promotion to graduate school and the rate of going abroad for further study.

6. International Economics and Trade Major

A total of 93 people think that Zhejiang Gongshang University’s international economics and trade major is good, and the recommended study index is 4.5 [out of 5.0]. The following is a detailed introduction of the International Economics and Trade Major:

Professional presentation:

Major in the University of International Economics and Business, students mainly study the basic theories and basic knowledge of Marxist economics, international economics and international trade, receive basic training in economics and management, and have basic abilities in theoretical analysis and practical operations, and have strong capabilities Foreign language ability.

Employment direction:

International economics and trade majors can go to the government’s foreign trade economic management department to engage in foreign trade management, foreign trade companies to engage in foreign trade business and international market marketing, to state agencies, national economic departments, commercial departments, foreign-related enterprises, Joint ventures, large-scale industrial and commercial trading companies or enterprises are engaged in trade economy, marketing, operation and management, and go to major colleges and universities and scientific research units to engage in teaching and scientific research.

7. Law Major

A total of 92 people think that Zhejiang Gongshang University’s law major is good, and the recommended study index is 4.6 [out of 5.0]. The following is a detailed introduction to the law major:

Training objectives:

Cultivate students to have good legal thinking, master basic theories of law and professional knowledge of system law;

Be familiar with Chinese laws and regulations and related policies, have a sense of social responsibility and a sense of responsibility;

Be able to analyze and solve practical legal problems independently; have strong written and oral expression skills ;

Senior legal professionals with technical knowledge of lawyers’ practice, judicial appraisal, and forensic medicine.

Employment direction:

Traditionally, it is believed that law graduates will be engaged in high-status and high-income professions such as judges and prosecutors. Therefore, many people prefer law majors. Many students who apply for law majors also hope to take up jobs with higher social status, such as judges, prosecutors, and college teachers after graduation. In fact, this kind of work has very high requirements for the students’ college background or academic level.

8. Food Science and Engineering

A total of 88 people think that Zhejiang Gongshang University’s food science and engineering major is good, and the recommended study index is 4.8 [out of 5.0]. The following is a detailed introduction to the food science and engineering major:

Professional presentation:

The food science and engineering major is a typical major of science and engineering in Chinese universities and colleges. According to the subject classification of the National Bureau of Science and Technology, food science and engineering is a first-level subject, which is equivalent to basic subjects such as mathematics, physics, biology, astronomy, and chemical engineering. It involves many disciplines such as chemistry, physics, biology, agriculture, machinery, environment, and management.

Employment direction:

After graduation, students majoring in food science and engineering can engage in production process design, new product development, quality inspection, and operation management of various food production enterprises;

food scientific research and achievement promotion;

food quality supervision, customs, commodity inspection, and hygiene Product analysis and testing work of epidemic prevention, import and export departments;

work of relevant state agencies, colleges and universities, scientific research institutes, etc.

9. Major in Business Administration

A total of 79 people think that Zhejiang Gongshang University’s business administration major is good, and the recommended study index is 4.8 [out of 5.0]. The following is a detailed introduction to the business administration major:

Training objectives:

This major trains senior professionals in business administration who have knowledge and abilities in management, economics, law and corporate management, and can be engaged in management, teaching, and scientific research in enterprises, institutions and government departments.

Employment direction:

Generally, the annual salary of management staff in the economic field is higher than the annual salary of management staff in government agencies. The annual salary of senior managers of government agencies is higher than that of general managers, and the gap is large. The annual salary of managers in government agencies is about 10,000 to 20,000 yuan; the annual salary of managers in the economic field is about 12,000 to 100,000 yuan. The annual salary of senior managers in some foreign-funded enterprises or large private enterprise groups can reach several million yuan. By the 21st century, the salaries of Chinese managers will continue to increase, making them one of the fastest-growing occupations in various industries.

10. Japanese major

A total of 66 people think that Zhejiang Gongshang University’s Japanese major is good, and the recommended study index is 4.7 [out of 5.0]. The following is a detailed introduction of Japanese majors:

Training objectives:

Cultivate high-level technical and applied professionals who understand Japanese politics, economy, history, culture, literature and other aspects, and can be engaged in management and reception in foreign affairs, economics and trade, culture, press and publication departments.

Employment direction:

Foreign-related departments, enterprises and institutions, scientific research institutions, schools, foreign-funded enterprises and other departments of governments at all levels are engaged in reception services: affairs and management in foreign affairs and international cultural exchanges.

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