What Are The Nationally Renowned Universities In Jiangsu Province?

As a major educational province in China, Jiangsu has a very large number of universities. What are the nationally renowned universities in Jiangsu province?

1. Universities in Jiangsu province: Nanjing University

Nanjing University, a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education, one of the first batch of key construction universities in “Project 211” and “Project 985” in the country, a “Double First-Class” construction university, a member of the C9 league. Nanjing University is one of the top universities in Jiangsu province. As of November 30, 2020, the school has four campuses: Xianlin, Gulou, Pukou, and Suzhou; there are 31 directly affiliated departments, 88 undergraduate majors; 3 professional doctoral degree authorization units, and 4 master’s degree first-level discipline authorization units, 28 professional master’s degree authorization units, and 38 post-doctoral mobile stations. There are 13,196 undergraduates, 16072 postgraduates, 7,693 doctoral students, and 1,415 foreign students. If you want to choose a university in Jiangsu province, Nanjing University is a good choice.

2. Universities in Jiangsu province: Southeast University

Southeast University, a key national university at the vice-ministerial level directly under the Ministry of Education, one of the well-known old eight schools of architecture and one of the original four engineering schools, one of key construction universities in “Project 211” and “Project 985”, one of“Double First-Class”construction universities, and is also one of the top universities in Jiangsu province. The school was founded in 1902 called the Sanjiang Normal School, and has gone through important development periods such as Liangjiang Normal School, Nanjing Higher Normal School, National Southeast University, and National Central University. In 1952, departments of colleges and universities across the country were adjusted, and the liberal arts and sciences of the school moved out. With the former engineering college of National Central University as the main body, they successively merged into the related departments of Fudan University, Jiaotong University, Zhejiang University, Jinling University, etc. Nanjing Institute of Technology was established on the original site of the headquarters of the National Central University. In May 1988, the school was renamed Southeast University. In April 2000, the former Southeast University, Nanjing Railway Medical College, and Nanjing Transportation Technical College merged, and Nanjing School of Geology also merged to form a new Southeast University.

3. Universities in Jiangsu province: Nanjing Agricultural University

Nanjing Agricultural University is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education, with the advantages and characteristics of agriculture and life sciences, and the coordinated development of agriculture, science, economics and management, engineering, literature, and law. It is one of key construction universities in “Project 211” and “Project 985” and is also one of the top universities in Jiangsu province. Nanjing Agricultural University was selected into the Innovation Ability Enhancement Program of Higher Education Institutions, the Disciplinary Innovation and Intelligence Introducing Program of Higher Education Institutions, the Education and Training Program of Outstanding Agricultural and Forestry Talents, the National Construction of High-level University Public Postgraduate Program, the Chinese Government Scholarship for International Students in China, the Educational Foreign Aid Base of the Ministry of Education, the National University Student Cultural Quality Education Base, the National Science Basic Scientific Research and Teaching Talent Training Base, and is a member unit of the “Double First Class” Agricultural Science Alliance, High-level Industry Characteristic University Quality Resource Sharing Alliance, and CDIO Engineering Education Alliance. If you want to study in Jiangsu province, you can consider Nanjing Agricultural University.