What Are the Top Universities in Beijing?

1. Where do I study abroad in China?

For a long time, many students have flocked to study abroad, and the outside world is broader. However, studying abroad in China is an attractive option. Studying in China not only has a wealth of overseas study programs, but it can also be relatively cheap.

For many students, the cost of studying abroad in China is much lower than that of traveling to their favorite destinations such as Italy, Spain or the United Kingdom. China is very vast, so where to study is important. If you like to be in a prosperous place, you can choose a school in the capital Beijing. What are the top universities in Beijing?

What Are the Top Universities in Beijing?

2. What are the top universities in Beijing?

Apart from Tsinghua University and Peking University in Beijing, what are the top universities in Beijing?

1. Beijing Normal University is one of the top universities in Beijing. It is a comprehensive national key university featuring teacher education, educational science, and basic liberal arts. The school adheres to the fine tradition of “patriotism, progress, honesty and simplicity, seeking truth and innovation, and being an example of others” and the school motto of “learn to be an excellent teacher, act as an exemplary person”, forming the education concept of “studying and self-cultivation, and helping the world”.

2. Renmin University of China is one of the top universities in Beijing, referred to as “Renmin University”. It is a comprehensive research-oriented national key university focusing on humanities and social sciences. The predecessor of Renmin University of China was the Northern Shaanxi Public School established in 1937, and later North China United University and North China University.

3. Beihang University in China is the first aerospace institution of higher learning in New China and one of the first batch of 16 key universities in the country, and the first batch of 22 universities in the country to establish graduate schools after the restoration of the degree system in the 1980s. It is also the first aerospace institution of higher learning in New China, so it is also one of the top universities in Beijing.

What Are the Top Universities in Beijing?

4. Founded in 1940, Beijing Institute of Technology is also one of the top universities in Beijing. Its predecessor was Yan’an Academy of Natural Sciences ,which was the first university of science and technology founded by the Communist Party of China; in 1949, the school moved to Beijing.

In 1952, the school was renamed Beijing Engineering Institute, becoming the first national defense industry academy in New China; in 1988, the school was renamed Beijing Institute of Technology. In 2012, the school entered the QS World University Rankings “Top 100 Asian Universities” and “Top 500 Universities in the World”.

5. China Agricultural University is located in Beijing, the capital of China. It is the origin of China’s modern agricultural higher education. After a century of development and accumulation, it has now developed into a research university with distinctive characteristics and complementary advantages.

With discipline groups of life sciences and agriculture, resources and environmental sciences, information and computer sciences, agricultural engineering and automation sciences, economic management and social sciences, it has outstanding influence in life sciences, agricultural sciences, environmental ecology and other fields, and is also one of the top universities in Beijing.